
Contrast in analysis of variance (ANOVA)

(someone asked me about contrast. So as a review, I tried to derive the equations for finding contrasts and their confidence intervals. Please leave a comment it there is anything wrong.)

Let's start by defining some notations:

  1. Treatment:$\alpha_i$, where $i \in (1,...,p)$;
  2. Contrast vector: c, which commonly is a column vector;
  3. Response: $Y_{ij}$, where $j \in (1,...,n_i)$, where each level of treatment has $n_i} observations.
  4. Random error term: $\epsilon \sim N(0,\Sigma)$, where $\Sigma = diag(\sigma^2)$.
As an example, our one way ANOVA model is:
$Y_i = \mu +\alpha_i+\epsilon_i$, 
in a matrix notation, it is:
    $\bf {Y=X\beta}$
    where $\bf{\beta} = (\mu \: \alpha_1\: ...\: \alpha_p)'$
    $=\Sigma_{i=1}^p \Sigma_{i=1}^n_i (y_{ij}-\bar{y}_{i.}) $
    We know $c'\hat\beta$ follows a normal distribution with mean $c'\beta$, and variance
    where $(X'X)^-$ is the generalized inverse of $X'X$.

    We can test $c'(X'X)^-(X'X)=c'$ for estimability.

    The MLE of p estimable functions $\mu +\hat\beta = (\bar{Y_{1.}} \: ... .\: \bar{Y_{p.}})$
    also, $\bar{Y} \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2/n)$  if  $Y_i \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2), i = 1,...,n$.
     $Var(c'\bar{Y})=c'Var( \bar{Y})c=SSE\sum\limits_{i=1}^p c_i^2/n_i$ (SSE is estimator of $\sigma^2$)

    Finally, we can show:
     $\sum\limits_{i=1}^p c_i^2/n_i=c'(X'X)^-c$

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