

Eclipse on mac, still no joy

Previously, I posted an entry saying that I have been working on integrating eclipse with R and sweave. After successfully completed the task on windows and linux, I was quite sure I could do this on Mac, which is claimed by thousands to be most "User-friendly, ergomatic and reliable system in the word."However, I met tons of problems trying to achieve the same goal I have already done twice.

I have a homework due this afternoon and I have to change some phrases before printing out. So I configured eclipse the same way as windows/linux. The first problem is that RJ wrapper problem when executing the oddsratio in epitools. Well, this is not quite a big problem because I can always use R term to do that though it is slower than RJ.

Then I had the problem of "not able to find 'Sweave.sty'". This is the problem that can be solved by putting the sty file in the Sweave source file folder (at least solved in Win/linux). But this thing in Mac gave me a really hard time. (I have homework due!)

Finally, after scooping around for some solution. I am still not able to output anything because for some reason the Sweave() function behaves strangely in eclipse. It sources my .rnw file but output the .tex to one upper level of the location of the .rnw. So, the result is that pdflatex cannot find the the .tex nor the figures because the path problem.

I was quite a fan of mac before I really use it. I have to say, unlike windows machine, Mac only gives me hard time when I need to meet some deadline, such as halt when I was editing some word documents, crash when I am running some codes). So I may switch back to PC after this macbook since I having trouble when I am in something critical certainly impose more risk (at least to me).

So I turned to RStudio and it can output the correct pdf without any problem. I believe RStudio is a good crossplatform editor for R users but I am still expecting some features until I switch to it permanently.

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